BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181127T174500Z DTEND:20181127T204500Z DTSTAMP:20181122T130006Z CREATED:20181122T130006Z LAST-MODIFIED:20181122T130308Z METHOD:PUBLISH SUMMARY:Startup Pitch Bootcamp: Learn from Kinshasa's Top Entrepreneurs LOCATION:CENTRE WALLONIE-BRUXELLES DE KINSHASA \, 21 Avenue de l'Equateur\, Kinshasa\, République démocratique du Congo\, Kinshasa\, CD ORGANIZER:Lorenzo Berodes URL: DESCRIPTION:
If you have a strong idea that could be pitched more clearly\, then join us for the Startup Pitch Bootcamp. In just three hours\, this intensive workshop will help you improve your pitching skills and understand the components of a great pitch\, providing plenty of practice until you get it right. Pitching is a key skill of every successful entrepreneur. How do you communicate your business clearly to employees\, customers\, and investors? What are some common pitching mistakes that make you look inexperienced? What is the best way to pitch your business?
It is not required\, but to help you get the most out of this event\, we&rsquo\;ve provided this \;Pitch Worksheet. You can fill out this worksheet and bring it to the Bootcamp\, which will enable mentors to easily give feedback on your idea.
This event is free to attend. Join us for a fun evening! \;For more free startup events\, visit \;