BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181201T173000Z DTEND:20181202T020000Z DTSTAMP:20181128T093926Z CREATED:20181128T093926Z LAST-MODIFIED:20181128T094044Z METHOD:PUBLISH SUMMARY:Nigeria Afro-Latin Dance & Music Festival 6th edition LOCATION:ALBA LOUNGE\, 1 Anifowoshe St\, Victoria Island\, Lagos\, Nigeria\, Lagos\, NG ORGANIZER:Lorenzo Berodes URL: DESCRIPTION:
Professional dancers have been invited from USA\, France\, Ghana\, Togo\, Benin Republic and the host country Nigeria\, just for your entertainment. Be there........
This Festival is a high impact youth engaging activity [16 - 65 active demography] that brings tourist from different European &\; African countries to Nigeria. Our aim is to unite\, educate and improve international relations through Afro-Latin activities\, boost tourism in the West African sub region\, create alternative/unique form of entertainment\, promote health &\; wellness\, revive lost Nigerian dance culture and create jobs. This festival features dance workshops (hosted by local &\; international instructors)\, tourism\, professional dance productions\, live band performance\, dance &\; fitness competitions\, and a grand finale of spectacular performances in which all invited countries showcase their latest creativity in dance.
Our Salsa festivals have grown over the last five years in Lagos-Nigeria\, Benin Republic\, Togo\, Ghana and Ivory Coast. Participating delegates came from United States\, United Kingdom\, Netherlands\, Japan\, South Africa\, Kenya\, Gabon\, Ghana\, Togo\, Benin Republic and Nigeria the host country\, for several days of cultural exchange\, professional dance exhibition and presentation\, intensive fun workshop\, and celebration of the growth of dance tourism in Nigeria.
This festival was supported in 2017 by MTN\, Coca-Cola\, Indomie noodles\, Minimee\, Pepsi\, VFD Group\, Reliance Information.
Contact +2348056002459 or visit for more information