BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181123T220000Z DTEND:20181123T234500Z DTSTAMP:20181119T152619Z CREATED:20181119T152619Z LAST-MODIFIED:20181119T152652Z METHOD:PUBLISH SUMMARY:Reggae Bring Back Love at Café Floréo LOCATION:Café Floréo\, Rue des Riches Claires 19\, 1000 Bruxelles\, Belgique\, Bruxelles\, BE ORGANIZER:Lorenzo Berodes URL: DESCRIPTION:
Reggae Bring Back Love
Dj Doctor Pepper Jamaica ! for a special night full of reggae\, roots and dancehall !
One Love Jamaica
Dj Doctor Pepper Jamaica ! est de retour au Floré\;o pour une soiré\;e pleine de reggae\, dancehall roots et cocktails !
One Love Jamaica
Free entrance
Café\; Floré\;o
Rue des Riches Claires 19\, 1000 Brussels
Take a bus\, a tram\, a bike\, your car\, your friend's car and stop at Station Bourse.