BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220905T090000Z DTEND:20220906T090000Z DTSTAMP:19700101T000000Z CREATED:19700101T000000Z LAST-MODIFIED:19700101T000000Z METHOD:PUBLISH SUMMARY:11th International Conference on Hospital Management and Health Care LOCATION:Paris\, France\, Paris\, France\, \, FR ORGANIZER:bienvenu Hounwanou URL: DESCRIPTION:Conference Series LLC LTD is a renowned organization that organizes highly prominent Online Conferences around the world. Healthcare Management 2022. Welcomes all the participants around the globe which is going to be held as an Online Event during September 05-06\, 2022. The subject of the event is\, “Exploring New Challenges for Better Hospital Healthcare during Covid_19 Pandemic.” The Healthcare system refers to the totality of resources that a society distributes within an organization and health facilities delivery for the aim of upholding or restoring health. To improve the health status of the population the goals are the reduction of mobility and mortality rate\, increase in expectation of life decrease in the growth rate of population\, high nutritional status\, and basic sanitation. It is nothing but the upkeep of health in several ways like preclusion\, analysis\, action\, cure\, and other physical and mental impairments. The Health and Management 2022 is a platform for scientists\, experts from universities\, researchers\, hospital proprietors\, C-level administrators\, managers\, and industry front-runners to exchange visions on healthcare management thinking\, best applies\, and keys. The scientific program is going to be a rich mixture of formats starting from keynote sessions to highly interactive discussions. As a knowledge-led platform\, the event is focused on evolving business replicas\, revolution\, improving patient consequences\, and cost minimization\, featuring technologies in healthcare and hospital management. Now in its 16th year\, the event is the biggest of its generosity in the region with quality content and interaction opportunities. Earn a chance of augmenting and showcasing your efficiency in Healthcare and Hospital Management 2022\, during September 05-06\, 2022. Paris\, France\, and become the key to the victory of our conference. For more information: Mail: WhatsApp: +44 7868811437 BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Rappel SUMMARY:Notification événement TRIGGER:-PT45M END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR