BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20221006T183000Z DTEND:20221007T183000Z DTSTAMP:19700101T000000Z CREATED:19700101T000000Z LAST-MODIFIED:19700101T000000Z METHOD:PUBLISH SUMMARY:Brussels Free Sport & Social Event: Thursday Freeletics Workout LOCATION:Online event\, \, \, BE ORGANIZER:bienvenu Hounwanou URL: DESCRIPTION:(FR/EN/NL) Free sport in Brussels Do you want to meet new people regularly while doing sport for free in Brussels? Look no further\, Freeletics is made for you! Mutual help and respect are core values within our group. Regardless of your current fitness level\, come as you are and receive the support of our community to improve your health and reach your personal objectives! Freeletics is a new way to train\, when and where you want it\, without material. No constraint\, no excuse! The exercises are selected from an app which is already gathering more than 40 million users worldwide. Track your progress and watch explanatory videos to execute very diverse exercises correctly. All our events are free and supervised by members of the group training regularly. The training consists typically of a warm-up\, a session of +- 30 minutes that changes every time and stretching. The difficulty should be adapted to your personal level\, do not hesitate to ask for advice if you have any doubt. Every Sunday\, Tuesday and Thursday\, we gather next to the athletic track. We select a workout on the app and motivate each other to complete it\, while paying attention to the correct execution of the movements. Special events are also organized from time to time. Bring with you (preferably): - Water - Gym mat - The app on your smartphone - Your good mood\, plenty of motivation and energy! Accept this new challenge and join us on the athletic track of the Cinquantenaire Park! BEGIN:VALARM ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Rappel SUMMARY:Notification événement TRIGGER:-PT45M END:VALARM END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR